
 “Nanodevice Fabrication and Functional Development”

Materials and Structures Laboratory  /  Institute of Science Tokyo

Majima Laboratory

“Nanodevice Fabrication and Functional Development”

   Laboratory for Materials and Structures
/ Tokyo Institute of Technology

 Join our laboratory

Majima Laboratory belongs to Group C of the Materials Course (Master’s and Doctoral Program) of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please refer to the Admission Guide for the Graduate School of the Department for information on the entrance examination.
You can view the PDF file of the application guideline by searching for “Application Guideline” on the Tokyo Institute of Technology homepage.

Majima laboratory conducts research with the goal of practical application of nanodevices and molecular devices. We welcome those who are interested in semiconductors and those who like to make things.
If you wish to visit, please contact Majima at majima@msl [.titech.ac.jp should be added after msl]. You are always welcome.

We also accept Tokyo Tech undergraduate students for graduate research and doctoral programs for working adults. For more information, please see the details below.




・Tokyo Tech undergraduate students who wish to conduct graduate research

→If you are interested, please come visit our lab (anytime). Please contact Majima.

・Those who wish to enroll in the master’s program (both Tokyo Tech undergraduate students and undergraduate students of other universities).

→You must take and pass the entrance examination for admission to the Department of Materials Science, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. For more information about the research activities of Majima Laboratory, please take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the laboratory at the graduate school information session or visit the laboratory at the Suzukakedai Open Campus.

・Those who wish to enroll in the doctoral program (both Tokyo Tech undergraduate students and undergraduate students of other universities)

→Same as for those who wish to pursue a master’s degree.

・Working adults who wish to pursue a doctoral degree

→Please contact Majima. So far, two working PhDs have received their degrees. You can also come to the university on Saturdays to conduct research.

・Those who want to conduct research together as postdocs.

→Please contact Majima.

What kind of students do you accept?

Majima Laboratory accepts a wide range of students, such as materials, electricity, physics, and chemistry. Nanodevice research is an interdisciplinary research area that requires knowledge, experience, and wisdom across different academic fields. Our graduates come from various universities.

List of universities from which our graduates graduated
東京工業大学、国際基督教大学、横浜国立大学、東京農工大学、学習院大学、立命館大学、茨城大学、愛知教育大学、千葉大学、芝浦工業大学、山形大学、東京理科大、電気通信大学、大阪大学、École nationale supérieure des mines de Nancy、Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)、Tecnológico de Monterreyなど

I would like to hear about the career paths of your graduates.

In the Majima Laboratory, you will be able to enhance your research and development skills that will be immediately effective when you enter the workforce through the experience of applying a wide range of knowledge and experience to your research. Of course, it is also possible to enter a doctoral course.
Our graduates are active in a wide range of fields.

・西沢秀之(社会人博士) 東芝研究開発センター
・東康男 東京工業大学応用セラミックス研究所、助教
・安武裕輔, 東京大学総合文化深津研究室 助教
・鈴木聖一, 日立中央研究所
・服部繁樹(社会人博士) 東芝研究開発センター
・加納伸也, 神戸大学藤井研究室 助教
・Dr. Serdio M. Victor V., Mursla Nanosensors, CTO

Master’s degree
キヤノン(2)・トヨタ車体(1)・和光純薬(1)・デンソー(1)・電気興業(1)・三井金属(1)・ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL(進学))・Dior(1)・リコー(1)・ソフトバンク(1)・ローム(1)・日産(2)・大崎電気工業(1)・トヨタテクニカルディベロップメント(1)・シャープ(3)・ユー・エス・イー(1)・沖電気(1)・セイコーエプソン(1)・昭和真空(1)・北海道電力(1)・山武(1)・横河電機(1)・住友電工(1)・日本ビクター(1)・JR東海(1)・ウエスタンデジタル(1)・東京エレクトロン(1)・東ソー(1)